You might think thats a strange comment coming from me since I didn't go to the Proms, Cayla did. BUT it was a crazy time. I thought last year was crazy when she ended up going to 3 Proms but this year...Well, she ended up at 4...yes that is the number between 3 and 5. And 3 of her dates ended up picking her up at her grandparents house, which meant I had to be there to help her get ready!
Two of the Proms were on the same about crazy! But she had fun at all of them for different reasons.
The first Prom was the YSA Prom and she went with LaGrand Shumway. It was pretty cool. It actually started before prom...when he asked her. He sent her a carrot cake with a poem on it and then she had to take the cake apart to find out who asked her to did she doing the same thing back. The date started right after school and LaGrand and the Laytons picked Cayla up and they went and played laser tag...pretty cool. Then they dropped Cayla off at my folks so she could get ready...Do you know how much time she had to get ready before dinner...ONE HOUR. Do guys not know how long it takes a girl to get ready...lucky for them...Cays fast. She managed to get a shower in, hair curled and put up and make up on. You talk about fast! Then it was on to the Prom. Caylas one complaint about the night...she could wear heels and she LOVES heels. She wore one inch shoes and it was so hard for her to walk...ha ha.
The next night was just as fun for her! Maybe even a little special. She went to the Youth Prom with Tom Gassaway. But it just didn't start at the Prom. Tom had a plan. They were going with another couple, so the plan was for me to talk Cayla into inviting Arial over to get ready...Easy job, no problem. Then I set up the front room like a Restaurant...The table was gorgeous if I do say so myself...and I do! During the day the number of people that were coming for dinner went from 4 to 8. No biggy, we had it covered and plus I wasn't cooking the dinner...Nope, Nope, Nope...Tom and Fonzie were! It was so cool. I kept the girls upstairs while the guys came over (without the girls knowing) and cooked dinner. Pretty cool. Then the girls were ready and the other couples showed up. Down came Arial and the Cayla. If I might add, Cayla and Tom looked pretty good together. It was really cute. So the boys and I hung out upstairs in my room watching TV while the guys served the girls dinner. Very nice.
Off they went to prom and Cayla said she had a blast. From prom they ended up at the Gassawasys and watched a movie and then it was home where she and Tom talked for almost an hour. I think she had fun!
(Ok maybe I should fear for Caylas life...Tom looks a little scary here...I thought he liked Cayla and yet he's trying to cut her throat!)

Her next Prom was her school prom and she went with Jake Harmon. It was so funny cuz he called her during the day asking if she would be ok with flowers that he picked from his yard, cuz he didn't get her any. Well what he did he show up with...a corsage made from palm trees and weeds. It was priceless. Of course it was a joke. Then he went back out and got her real flower. Jake and Cayla were both nominated for Prom King and Queen. It turns out on Monday, Cayla found out she should have won...the person counting the votes picked her friend to win...nothing they could do about it now...Oh well, Cays a Queen to me...(boy did that sound cheesy). But Cay said it was a good night. Oh I almost forgot... one of the funniest things of the night...Josh was teasing shock there...I can't say what about, but Cayla in her pretty dress and heels...TOOK OF RUNNING after her brother. This was a good 10 minutes she was chasing him...Mind you this was right before Jake got there to pick her up. I think Josh was shocked that she could run in heels, but all I kept thinking was with all the rocks in the back yard she is going to fall and break her neck.

Her next Prom was her school prom and she went with Jake Harmon. It was so funny cuz he called her during the day asking if she would be ok with flowers that he picked from his yard, cuz he didn't get her any. Well what he did he show up with...a corsage made from palm trees and weeds. It was priceless. Of course it was a joke. Then he went back out and got her real flower. Jake and Cayla were both nominated for Prom King and Queen. It turns out on Monday, Cayla found out she should have won...the person counting the votes picked her friend to win...nothing they could do about it now...Oh well, Cays a Queen to me...(boy did that sound cheesy). But Cay said it was a good night. Oh I almost forgot... one of the funniest things of the night...Josh was teasing shock there...I can't say what about, but Cayla in her pretty dress and heels...TOOK OF RUNNING after her brother. This was a good 10 minutes she was chasing him...Mind you this was right before Jake got there to pick her up. I think Josh was shocked that she could run in heels, but all I kept thinking was with all the rocks in the back yard she is going to fall and break her neck.
Her last Prom was with Stanley Frydiashack (yes Cayla I know I spelt it wrong) (get over it). Anywho. She went with Stanley last year to prom and it was one of the best times she had, so she knew this year would be fun too and it was. They went to the Melting Pot for dinner (I haven't even been there yet and shes gone not fare). By this prom Cayla was getting a little tired of taking pictures. Shes really lucky for all the proms, I didn't take as many as last there.
Anywho, we added two new dresses this year and used two from last year so we had the dress department covered. Now all I have to worry about is her going to YSA Proms from now on and with that...she can re-use these dresses!
One side note...You know what made the prom with Tom Awesome...Her grandpa, my daddy, danced with her! He doesn't like to dance, but he did with his grandbaby girl! That totally made her night!
And now we move on to graduation (which I might add,Cayla is speaking at)...WHOOHOO!
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