She looked so beautiful (if I do say so myself, and I do).
One of the gals at work, who loves Cayla like a little sister asked if she could please do Cayla's hair and make-up. She wanted to see what Cayla was wearing and what the theme was so she could do her hair to match. It was looked like something they would wear in the Phantom of the Opera.
But you talk about cutting it close! Cayla was going to get off work at noon to be home and get ready but when Trish offered to do her hair it was going to set her back. They figured they would be done by 5 and Cayla would get home in plenty of time. Her date was picking her up at 6. At 5:20 when we hadn't heard from her, we called. She was JUST leaving is 20 minutes away...Not like cutting it close or anything. (It must run in the family...I remember my prom and I had rehearsal for the Miss Western Maricopa Pageant that night and didn't got home until right before).
Cayla gets home, runs up stairs, gets dress...we still had to figure out jewelry and purses...They are a must you know. And then there was the shoe situation. She had two pairs that went perfectly with the dress. The black pair looked great with the dress, but the white pair were a little bit taller. See Cayla has a little problem ~ She's short!! (Yes I know that 5'4 1/2 is tall to some, but in our family...come on). Cayla's date for Prom is something like 6'2. Cayla needed the taller shoes. Oh and did I mention that her dress dragged on the ground because she...whats that word...Oh yah, SHORT!! White shoes it was!
Next mom and dad needed pictures, right? So of course we took pictures. We are out side at 5:55 trying to get them done before her date arrived...oops here he came down the Cayla ran inside.
Now who is her date you ask...Some of you may know him...Cayla and him have know each other for years. I LOVE this kid. Hes such a cutie. I've know his family since I was a girl and his sister is Cayla's BIG sis...That's right if some of you have tried to guess...ITS BRYNDAN HOLMAN (from West Maricopa Stake).
He was too cute...He brought her a corsage and a Phantom Mask (TOO CUTE!). His tux was perfect, it looked like something from the Phantom movie its self. He even, with the help of his sister, made goodies for our family with a little note attached..."Cayla's Family ~ thank you... for giving me a chance to take your daughter/sister to the dance! Enjoy your brownie/cookie treat mixture. We'll be sure, for you, to take a picture! ~ Bryndan Holman (Cayla's Prom Date)" It was cute.
Of course we were the doting parents and took pictures, but had to be fast cuz they had Jacob Cozza with them and they still needed to go and get his date and make it to dinner!
So Cinderella was off to the BALL and THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT!
I feel so old... Wow, she looks amazing and Brynden has turned into a stud!! =) Again... I feel old... Oh well =)
She is beautiful! I hope she had fun!
I can't believe she is old enough to have a job and date. Hope she had fun.
I absolutly love that dress!!! Oh my goodness. Cayla looks amazing and Brynden too! How fun.
Just love the dress! And Cayla is such doll!!!
I think I'm on the verge of tears right now looking at those pictures. They look so...grown up Bryndan is like four years old breaking his arm while eat Bologna an climbing the monkey bars and Cayla is going to school at Pendergast and not needing to wear a bra with her dance costumes in my eyes and now look at them all grown up going to the Prom!!! I'm so glad you documented this because I didn't even know about it. I'm so happy they went together. I know it's a complete LONG shot but could she stay single till January 2012 just till he gets back from his mission. I'm not saying marriage but the shot at really dating? thanks!
Hey, this is two look great! Amazing (and Modest) dress look beautiful. Who's that Abercombie model you picked up on the way?
OK Jerrae, I don't think I could have laughed so hard...You know your sister said the same thing on facebook, well the part about them getting together in the know thats what everyone in the families thought of when the use to date. But they did look really cute. Go on face book and see some more pics. I can't believe you didn't know they were going together. He asked her like 2 months ago or something like that. It was kind of cute. I have pics of that too. He put lipstick all over the bathroom mirror and fish in the sink. Gota love it.
This is Cayla No Bra?!?!? What are you talking about. I remember you all in my room and trying on my bra's at that age...well i've grown just a tad since then.
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