...Kids...Sreaming...Junk Food...And Late Night....
Not a good combination in ANYONES BOOK...RIGHT?
Well, its not in mine. And thats what I had last night. Let me share my little story with you. Any of you who have kids that go to Jasinski may understand my story just a little. Well, only if your kids are in grades 4th to 6th.
Last night was the 4th to 6th grade LOCK-IN. Whats a LOCK-IN you ask. A MOMS worst night mare! REALLY!
If you have a 4th grader at Jasinski, don't laugh, your time is coming....
You see 5th graders go to Sea World at the end of the school year. Pretty cool, right? Well, it is. And its not the expensive. Reason why, they raise the money by selling otter pops after school and by having school LOCK-INs. A school LOCK-IN runs from 7 to mid-night. Yes, that was not a type-0, that did say MID-NIGHT, as in 12 a.m. You know the time you were sleeping, but I wasn't cuz I was at the school being a school helper cuz my son is in 5th grade and this was their LOCK-IN and oh wait, I'm with the PTSA and we help with everything. SO I was at the LOCK-IN where they played games, run around, watch movies, eat lots of junk food, and have LOTS of fun. Theres LOUD music playing and screaming and balls everywhere. ITS A MAD HOUSE!!!
OH WAIT... I FORGOT THE BEST PART OF ALLLLL... I AM GOING TO GET MOTHER OF THE YEAR FOR THIS ONE... This soooo out does the last time I didn't feed the boys until something like 8:30 cuz they were at a meeting with me... I had to bring Seth with me to the LOCK-IN cuz DJ's out of town for a month and Cayla had to babysit after work for someone else.
At 12:40 a.m we walked into our house ready for bed. What a night. My head was still hearing kids screaming and dancing and balls bouncing. I highly recommend a Lock-in to any mom, not to work, to ditch the kids for the night...
i hope you got a good nap. and that your head is no longer ringing.
you truly are mother of the year.
Naps...Whats that. I came home and couldn't sleep. I stayed up watching the disney channel and then was up so I can watch Conference and then run into town to see grandpa and grandma and go look for easter outfits for the kids. So much fun...JOY BE IN MY LIFE. Its All GOOD, Right, We are MOMS, WE can do Anything.
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