The next day its up with the Halloween decorations and the Thanksgiving ones! And of course its time to start listening to CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! And watching CHRISTMAS MOVIES!! I'm not trying to leave Thanksgiving out but there just really isn't any songs or movies that go with the holiday!
The day after thanksgiving comes the funnest day of all...BLACK FRIDAY!!! Now I don't go crazy spending money, but I love it cuz I'm with my friend Teresa having a blast...years ago I use to go with Kimmy when we went up to Idaho and it was a blast...when I stayed in town, I'd go with mom and again, had a blast!! I just love spending it with crazy, fun people! Oh and best of all "people watching". Black Friday is the best day to people watch! Just saying!
Then when I get home and I'm tired and worn out, its time to put up the Christmas decorations!! I love decoration my house at Christmas time! I watch the same movies over and over and I listen to the same songs over and over! ITS GREAT!!!
For the last 10 years or so we've been taking the kids to the Forgotten Carols. Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't go! Its like not having Christmas Music and Movies...and anyone that knows me knows I love my Music and Movies during this time of year!
Then Christmas eve comes...all the family at my house for the biggest feast you've ever seen! Just looking at it you'll gain 20lbs but oh is it sooooo good!! And of course the traditional one gift that you get to open that night and as always, since I was a little girl, its PJ's! After everyone leaves its time to set the goodies out for Santa. Sometimes our family gets a little crazy and we leave things like Rootbeer floats and things like that for Santa. Don't think he gets tired of milk and cookies all the time!
But then the part I hate about Christmas...some how I always have good intentions but I don't get the gifts wrapped so I'm up till sometimes 4 in the morning wrapping gifts. I know you'd think I would learn by now, but I haven't! Someday!!
Then Christmas morning. The kids are always up by 4 or 5 (sometimes I would worry that they would catch us taking gifts down, but so far they haven't). But they get up and they are allowed to open their stalkings! Then they can play, watch TV or fall back to sleep till DJ and I get up around 6 or 7.
Then its time for me to get the traditional breakfast cooking, cinnamon rolls and monkey bread! Then while thats cooking off to open presents and trash the already trashed house!
It takes days before we recover from this mess!
Then its New Years Eve! Something we started with Cayla and have just kept going...we prepare a meal, like from Christmas eve, with chips and dips and crackers and cheese. Put a blanket out on the floor in front of the TV...get some movies and we stay up munching and watching movies till after midnight! What a great night we have! Its fun to see who stays awake til midnight...then at midnight we pop the sparkling grape juice and toast the new year!!
Then the sad part really comes...its time to take the tree down (Forgotten Carols)...I try and hold out for as long as I can...maybe even til Feb 1st but I do try! I just love my tree so much I don't want to take it down!
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