...Its the day we get ready for Sunday...RIGHT?
Well after all the craziness we do!
Saturday was truly packed full of fun and business!
Our day started out early with the "FIGHT FOR AIR" 5K Walk. This was our 4th year being on "TEAM SYD'A" with our close friends the Degraffs. Our team was put together in support of Sydnie, the youngest DeGraff who suffers from sever asthma. We started out as a small team and now we've grown to over 50 members!
The best part of the walk is the END...FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST and the WATER FIGHT (the water fight isn't part of the walk...its just trouble that our families like to get into)
This years water fight was started by Seth (the little booger). But when you try and be sneaky, guess what...YOU GET SOAKED!! Everyone gained up on Seth and the kid looked like a drowned rat! It was FUN!!!
Ryan was just as sneaky as Seth was at the walk...maybe it has something to do with the fact that they were both born on the same date! |
After the walk was over we had to drop Seth off at his grandparents so grandpa and Seth could go to the movies...Now isn't Seth just special!
Then the other race was one...we rushed home and got ready for the next BIG EVENT!! We got home around 1:30ish and the COOKING BEGAN!
Saturday night was the youths spaghetti dinner/auction and we needed to get some desserts made for the auction.
Nothing like rushing to bake a double decker chocolate cake and 2 dozen chocolate cupcakes! But we did it while trashing the kitchen...WHOOWHO it mess time!! (I'll post pics and the recipe on another post for everyone)
Once at the dinner, DJ and I made sure we sate at the table Joshua was serving at! Trust me, we made him work for his tip that night!
It was nice to finally get home that night and sit down for more than 5 minutes.
If Saturday is the day we get ready for Sunday - well we were busy at every task we did so we should be set...RIGHT?
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