Well, the boys are out of school this week. Noticed I said "the boys". Cayla was out last week. Their fall breaks don't fall on the same weeks. Last year this happened and we took the boys out of school for a week. They had homework coming out of their ears, so we decided "Not this time." Plus, Cayla went and got herself a job!
Yep... thats right my little girl is all grown up, driving, dating and working. She works at a day spa. So any how, we didn't go out of town, but that didn't stop all the fun. Well, some of the fun.
Cayla, DJ and her friend Geoffrey went hunting for rabbits and quail. Cayla likes to hunt. Go figure, my girly-girly liking to hunt, the one who's deathly afraid of crickets!! Shes not too fond of the quail hunting, she says they run around to much (so chase them down), but she likes to Dove hunt. DJ even makes her do all the cleaning when they get some (GROSS!)
The boys didn't think it was fair that Cayla and Geoffrey got to go so DJ had to take them this week. It was pretty funny watching them carry their guns around. Seth is still a little to small for his gun, but Josh is learning and getting there. Seths turned out to be a GREAT hunting dog!! "Here boy, fetch. Good dog, SIT!!"
Later in the week the boys and I made candies. They really had fun with that, making pretzel fingers, ghost, pumpkins and spiders all in chocolate (WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR). They like to help in the kitchen, sometimes too much that it drives mom crazy (and the sad part is, she really doesn't have THAT far to go!)
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