This is the Life and Adventures of the Hansen family from Goodyear (Estrella Hills), Az. Welcome to our NUT HOUSE!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas is coming...

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lets Review...
Now shopping with DJ was a First on BLACK FRIDAY. It wasn't too bad. But I couldn't get anything for him, however, he did make a great pack horse. I highly recommend bring a husband if haven't before. I DON'T, however, recommend, going shopping when both people have been sick!!
Joshua trying to decide which ornament would look better...this one or that one.
The stocking where hung by the chimney with care??? What Chimney we live in AZ where its 100 degrees at Christmas.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sick, Sick, Sick & Happy Turkey Day...
So everyone, STAY HEALTHY. Don't visit with Mr. Bucket or Mr. Toilet. Their not very inviting. Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and watch the Macy's day parade,and guess what...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy B-day Booger...

So WHAT Can we do for you, JERRAE, on your birthday...
~Have Hot Chocolate (even though its a million degrees out)
~Eat cheese cake (its a sacrifice but somones got to do it)
~Wear all pink and a little black or white (the boys might die on that one)
~Watch Legally Blond
~Play with make-up (again the boys might die)
and last but not least
~have a Pedicure Party (wish you could come)
(oh and yes I will be out there any time for my play date, you tell me when)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Stephanies~
Friday, November 14, 2008
Told you I'm SLOW...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
San Diego or BUST...
Its MY cereal!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What a fun week...
Wed. was backwards day and also a school awards assembly. It was a busy day for the boys. Seth got perfect attendance and the citizenship award. (Only one boy and one girl from each class can get that award). Seths teacher gave it to him, not because hes the smartest and the best behaved-cuz we all know Seth and hes, well Seth, she gave him the award because she said he has a BIG heart and loves to help everyone, a little too much sometimes.:) Josh did pretty good himself. He made Principles list (Yeah, Josh), he also got perfect attendance and well, he also got the citizenship award in his class. It was a pretty cool day.
OK so THURSDAY was the funnest day. It was CRAZY day at school and we went all out for the boys. We colored their hair with our school colors, SILVER and GREEN. (was a little worried it wouldn't come out of blond hair, but it did!) Seth thought he was so cool getting to have WILD hair at school.
THEN, Friday... Friday was wear a costume to school day, but it couldn't be anything scary. So we had to come up with something for Josh so he wore his dads military uniform. And Seth went as his second favorite...Indian Jones.
That night of course was HALLOWEEN. It was kind of a quite night for us. We got the boys dressed in their costumes.
Cayla had to work and then had to dance at a football game for half time (kind of sad we didn't get to see it but we weren't sure she would get off work in time). We didn't go any where this year, no biggie. We had fun with just mom, dad and the boys. Our neighborhood was kind of quite but the kids made out like bandits. Josh was a skeleton pirate and Seth , Indian Jones. Of course the boys are boys. Josh had a sword and Seth a machete and a whip, so they had to fight each other. I really didn't know who to root for, I LOVE Indian Jones and well, Josh was pretty scary, I was so confused, which as everyone knows doesn't take too much. In the end it was a draw.
We had fun. The kids can't wait to wear their costumes again next year. (Cuz moms cheap and gets or makes costumes that will last 2 or 3 years and then they get handed down to Seth, he doesn't like that idea too much, but oh well, "LIFE ISN'T FAIR!" A saying we teach our kids over and over and over again.)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My LITTLE girl!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You talk about thinking BIG!!! We found out that one of the schools in our district wasn't going to have a carnival this year, so they asked if they could come to ours, no biggy. We'll then it just grew and grew from there. Next thing we knew we had 2 other schools from the district we invited to come. Then the day before we found out that the other school in the district canceled theres and was planning on coming to ours. WOW, I think we got in over our head here. But you talk about bring a community together.
Of course with everything, you'll have a few snags here and there, but over all everyone seemed to have a good time. We had kids out there dancing with the DJ (not just little kids, but older kids, crazy) and everyone seemed to enjoy the rides. ME, I just wanted to crash and burn. We've learned a few things to do and not to do for next year, so next year will be even better. Its all about getting community involvement and that was our aim! If you came, thanks for coming, hope you had fun...sorry the food lines were so long (something to work on next year). If you helped in ANY way, we couldn't have done this without you, your helping to make our community a better one and our schools. Thanks.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yesterday the boys are playing, pretty good together, not really fighting or anything. But they were being really silly (which they really know how to do at times). They thought it would be funny to try and sneak into the family room without DJ and I seeing them. Of course they were so loud we could hear them coming from a mile away, but they were having fun. They would go up stairs and act like they were playing and then sneak down stairs.
After awhile they realized we could see them coming down the stairs, so one of them (JOSH) got it in his head "Lets slided down the stairs, with blankets on our head. They will never see us then." So they did this a few times and decided that it was a lot of fun, so they put pillows an the bottom of the stairs, went and got the lid to the laundry hamper and covered everything with blankets and started sliding down the stairs.
NOW mind you by this time I'm in the kitchen cleaning up not really paying much attention to my two darling little turnips. And DJ's working on his Sunday school lesson. I come out of the kitchen and go into the laundry room and DOWN comes Josh, just laughing away, HEAD FIRST, on his stomach, straight into a tile with pillows. He says you have to watch this mom, goes back to the top and down he slides. Then Seth does it. Of course I know they are having fun, but this is MY CHILDREN WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. They are a bit, how do you say, klutzy. We keep the doctors and the emergency room on speed dial for them. SO needless to say, mom spoiled all the fun and said you guys can't do that any more. One wrong slip and its face first into the tile, or its a broken bone, (aint doing that one again!!!) I go back into the kitchen. Then we hear Josh telling Seth, "you better not do it, mom said don't, we might get hurt". But of course hes laughing away while hes telling Seth this, so of course Seths not going to believe him. Seths response... ITS JUST SO MUCH FUN, SO ITS OK!
You gotta love boys!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fall Break and we stayed home!?!?
The boys didn't think it was fair that Cayla and Geoffrey got to go so DJ had to take them this week. It was pretty funny watching them carry their guns around. Seth is still a little to small for his gun, but Josh is learning and getting there. Seths turned out to be a GREAT hunting dog!! "Here boy, fetch. Good dog, SIT!!"